Hello, and thanks for joining me! I’m Tina, a mother of four exceptional adult children: William, Emma, Kathryn & her husband Micah, and Josiah, who live all over the United States. I am a widow, married 25 ½ years to a beautiful man who loved God and loved us unconditionally, and who was great at providing, protecting, engaging, goofing around, and genuinely doing life with us! Every part of our story points to an Involved, Loving, Present God who lavishes us with every good gift and generously blesses us in our undeserving! Mark, my husband, was such a tangible example of the love of our Father God.
As you visit my website, blog, or Facebook page, I hope you will be covered up in the grace and presence of our Heavenly Father! I also hope that your resolve to live out your faith through whatever experience of life you’re walking in right now is edified, celebrated, strengthened, and encouraged here, as together we pause and absorb Abba’s words of grace! I want to share scriptures and devotions that have transformed my thinking and strengthened my inner being!
What to Expect
I am here offering the lessons I have learned, the authentic exchanges with Abba Father through this life journey that He knew I would walk before I was formed in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139 tells us that God created every one of our moments before even one day was lived out! He saw our unformed body and loved us and prepared each day that He allotted us to live on this earth.
He knew my husband would have 49 ½ years, I would be starting this new decade without my lifemate, and our children would enter adulthood without a human father to call, argue with, borrow money, or have a strong shoulder to lean on.
While He was forming our unseen parts, He promised each of us, that He would never leave us nor forsake us. He abides with us in this life! What a profound truth!
I’m here to share this truth! I want to proclaim to anyone who will take a moment and hear me testify to the faithfulness of our most perfect Creator God! Our testimony screams of God’s faithfulness, our lack, Christ’s redemption, and the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit!
Join me as I point our hearts to God’s grace, faithfulness, and presence through this journey! Allow yourself to pause and soak in God’s amazing grace and His abounding love. I promise to be faithful to share all the tips, trials, and healing truth I have learned through His Word! Let’s learn to press into our faith in Abba Father more authentically as we surrender, grow, and marvel at this undeserving and never-ending relationship Christ provided through His sacrifice. Because of this truth we can live in intimate relationship with our Abba! Let me serve you as you walk through your good, bad and mundane as well, as we set our gaze on the Author and Perfector of our faith! Together let’s Abide with Abba!
My husband, Mark, was an intentional husband and father from the start! He believed God’s promises and embraced God’s grace in a way I have never seen before! His faith in the simple Word of God was mighty and contagious! He eagerly taught our children of God’s love and kindness and of His authority and power! We were a great team, teaching parenting and marriage classes, coming alongside other couples, and working out our faith with fear and trembling and a whole lot of humor and honesty. We invested in our kids, as God charged us to raise godly men and women for His glory! These have always been the passions of our hearts, and the ministries God has assigned to us. Mark lived boldly and was a fighter well before cancer came and took us down an extremely challenging path. But to watch this man refuse to back down to a disease that ravished through him was, again, a testimony of our God’s faithfulness, miracles, and abundance in the face of terrifying uncertainty, and human doubt. Mark wrestled with Sarcoma for 8 ½ years, getting back up with every blow! The prognosis for such aggressive cancer as Sarcoma is 3 ½ years, but God said “No!” and He graciously gave us five years more than the disease would dictate. I saw this man of God get back up again and again, under the pressure of chemo rounds, radiation, surgeries, never bitter or angry at his Abba Father. He had questions! Mark always had questions, but He never turned from God! He never rejected what was placed in front of him to walk through. He lived his faith out loud and led our family through this challenging season. Walking this journey with Mark and my Savior taught me so much about God’s grace, His presence, and His sovereignty. It gave me opportunity to live my faith out sure-footed and saturated in His transforming grace. I was honored to serve my husband faithfully through every test, scan, treatment, celebration, and let down. At the end of 2020, God graciously took Mark Home, where he is healed, completely free, face-to-face with his Creator-Savior, and has every question answered! Praise Abba!
As our family was going through this last decade of constant change, uncertainty and fear, I wanted so desperately to live out my faith in a way that would honor my God and point my kids to Christ!
Mark's Legacy