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Hope Beyond Today

There are a few things the worldwide pandemic dropped in our laps.

Fear, anxiety, masks, social distancing, and isolation are just a few. Not only did it sweep through our world with a mysterious fury, but even now, it lingers and baffles us. I was amazed that we were shut up inside our homes with so many changes happening around us in such a short time. So many uncertainties. Cancelations shrouded my son’s senior year. Track season. Prom. Classes. All canceled. Small businesses closed. The medical world was racing to find “protocol” for this new virus sweeping the world.

All of us have been affected by Covid-19. It all happened so quickly. And here we are, in the aftermath, wondering what happened. What happens now?

Maybe we’re afraid to think of the future. Maybe we’re still reeling in all the loss. Loss of people, time, and freedoms. And maybe we’re still in shock.

But we have this hope.

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary, behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.” Hebrews 6:19-20a

Christ was present when the world was created, at the beginning. Colossians 1:15-16 tells us this truth. He knew, as He formed this world and set it in motion, rich with everything our frail bodies would need, that we, in 2020, would endure a pandemic.

Yet He kept to His plan. He got to work, choosing His family. First, the Jews, a holy nation, set apart for His glory. Then, through the Gentiles, and onto each of us. Throughout human history, we’ve gone through stuff. Stuff the enemy hurled at us. Stuff this decaying world caused. Stuff we, in our sin, welcomed into our lives. This whole world and our own hearts have been affected by stuff. This pandemic is not some new thing. Plagues. Catastrophes. Generational sin passed down from family to family. And Christ knew this as He was forming the earth, breathing life into mankind. He had a plan. To save us. He wrapped Himself in flesh, walked this earth, lived, loved, taught, gave Himself up as payment for our sin, conquered satan, and ascended into Heaven. That was the plan.

That plan hasn’t changed. Covid didn’t alter the plan. The plagues, disasters, depressions, and none of it has changed the plan.

Our hope is in this truth. Jesus never waivers; he keeps His word and is faithful to every one of His promises.

Things got a little hectic. The road got super rocky. The air got thin. We lost some. We were injured in the process. But the plan is still in place.

And in His time, He is coming back to get us.

This is still the plan.

When that day comes, His plan will be made known to His children and the entire world.

“That at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord.” (Philippians 2:10-11).

The whole universe will bow at His feet.

He will take His own to be with Him in Heaven, to live with Him forever. Amen.

We have this hope.

The things we endure on this earth are temporary and fleeting. Then our Savior will come to get us and take us to His Home. This hope trumps anything we face here.

Be encouraged. It's not our circumstances that bring us hope.

Our hope is in Jesus Christ, the hope of the world!

This will never change! Look to His promises for your hope for today, and live!

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