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Taking our Assignment from Abba Seriously

Writer's picture: celebratemarkakridcelebratemarkakrid
Have you ever gotten a clear assignment from God? You know He told you to do this one thing, undeniably.

Recently the Lord has impressed on my heart to use the words He gives me, and the love of writing He put inside of me, and share it with others. I realize the need to take this assignment of writing seriously. I am reminded that we are charged to do “everything as unto the Lord.” Mark’s way was just that. I have this beautiful example, being his bride of twenty-five years. So here and now is how I'm putting my money where my mouth is and writing…

I just started participating in a bible study. In it are studying Genesis; The Beginning…of time, creation, humanity, sin, redemption, and God’s perfect plan to bring us back to live in union with Him forever! I love that we have documented when time first began! I love that we have established WHO began all life! I love that we have Genesis to see the beginning of the chosen people of God, and I love how raw, fleshy, gritty and ugly it is, because our beginnings are just that…Father God took dust and formed us. Then He breathed on us and began the process of our lungs taking in air. It’s so basic, so elementary, so real. And I am familiar with this “Beginning” stage myself. Yes, I am in my fifties. Yes, I have lived, graduated college, been married, had babies,homeschooled, led youth in many ways, taught studies on marriage and parenting. I’ve even managed to walk through one of our four kids getting married, and now, all four are out of the house. So how can I relate to “Beginning”?

I relate to the “Beginning” stage right now, as I begin to walk this earth without Mark, as I begin living without my kids under my roof, and as I begin to write…as I allow Abba to recreate me. To “begin” again in this new stage, new season, new assignment, or whatever other word I use to describe where I am and where God is leading.

But whatever it is, no doubt it is also raw, gritty, fleshy. There is dirt and involuntary muscles Abba is waking up and breathing life into. It feels wobbly and unstable, for sure! But with Beginnings come hope, direction, adventure, teaching, and yes, being dependent! In that way, it’s how I’ve always walked; in total dependence on Abba Father, learning, growing, changing direction, changing goals, making mistakes, needing forgiveness, experiencing victories, surviving failures, and gobs of grit, flesh, and dirt, all mixed together.

It’s messy, unpredictable, and unknown.

But look what God did in Genesis! Look at all that began there. A new people called God’s chosen. A new relationship with the God of everything! A new way to relate to each other! A new way to live on this earth as His people. As I study Genesis with my church gals, I anticipate Abba will show me more and more of His character, more and more of His plan and Christ’s willingness, and more and more of my need for Him and His salvation, redemption, and hands-on work in my life! I love love that Abba is involved. Always. And that He is not disappointed by inabilities. He is aware and loves to show up and fill each void, and lavish each lack, and be all we cannot be, because He wants from us relationship, not independence, not ability, not know-how…just our hearts walking with Him…

Oh! This will be a very good season, assignment, new thing that God is doing! I am excited to see what He does, where He takes us, and what He accomplishes with us through this!

Meet me here, in my place to write, and let’s let Abba have His way in us! Let’s expect He will turn gritty, dirty, into beautiful and useful! I look forward to meeting you here, in these pages, as we fix our eyes on the Author and Perfecter of our faith!

A few verses to cling to today, as we live out our faith…

“He is close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

This is a promise to cling to in tough times, and refreshing to ponder in good times as well! He is for us! He sees us! He will save our crushed spirits!

“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you,’Fear not, I am the one who helps you.’” Isaiah 41:13

I love how in this verse, Abba Father makes a point to let us know without any doubt that it is He who is our help! He personally comes beside us, holding our right hand, and helps us. Receive His help today and rest in this personal promise from your Lord!

“And my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Be assured that He knows your needs, and He is the One from whom our help comes! Expect His help! Lock your eyes on Him today, and receive!

Another truth that flows into this thought is Father God’s endurance. I read in my devotional this morning that God endures! When we are faithless, as Timothy says, “You are faithful, because You cannot deny Yourself.”

Oh, Father! That is freeing to me! I lack. I cannot. I exaggerate and make messes. You create out of nothing. You heal. You rescue and save, again and again, without condition. Because it’s who You are; part of Your nature. And so our relationship, You and me, is secured with Your endurance. Not my endurance…not my anything, because my everything is not enough. It’s all wrapped up securely in Your character…in Your attributes. You pick up the gross slack in me and still desire to be in relationship with me…Because of You , I have the best, healthiest, most secure connection that nothing can ever end for me! I have asked before, “What do You see in me, Abba, even to want to love me?”...but it’s the wrong question. You see nothing in me personally because it’s not about me; it’s all You! Because of who You are, You love. You love me. You fill in my lack with more of You. You rescue me again. You sanctify me, heal me, and are with me because of who You are. You can’t deny Yourself. And I only benefit from this “deal”...from this relationship.

What a Savior. What a Friend. What a Mighty God I serve and love and live in relationship with.

All I can say is thank you…All I can do is trust and obey to show my fragile love for you. All I can do is be with You, and when I can't even do that, there You are, holding me in Your arms…thank you.

For this new beginning, messy and raw as it is, I thank you. You keep me close to You, healing and beautiful and unworldly that it is. Thank you. Thank you for the many blessings that flow from You when we take Your assignments seriously!

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